Berlin. - About one-third of all food produced worldwide is lost or wasted in the food production and consumption systems. Food loss and waste occurs at different levels and there are various ways to counteract food waste. In the 16th edition of the Digital Development Debates, which focuses on food and farming Isabel Pleisnitzer presents an overview of initiatives that motivate people to stop wasting food. From India to Brazil a number of initiatives are emerging and demonstrating in innovative and creative ways what the future of a more sustainable food system might look like.

Pleisnitzer highlights Hungry Harvest in the US, which recognized that people often choose perfect food over "ugly" produce. Hungry Harvest started selling this imperfect produce from local farmers to students at low prices to counteract the waste in a pilot project called "Recovered Food CSA". This project was further developed and they expanded their network. Hungry Harvest collects food from local farms and suppliers who provide them with surplus produce. They fill bags of different sizes to ensure that even these food items will not be wasted due to poor consumer behaviour. Hungry Harvest delivers the produce to their partner’s warehouse, the Manna Food Center, which distributes the bags to consumers. Their main message is to be open to the three-legged carrot, the hunch-backed cucumber, two kissing strawberries or any other natural fate produce may suffer.

In India the Annakshetra Foundation collects and distributes leftovers from weddings, parties and hotels. It has also taken on the responsibility of distributing unused Prasadam, which is holy food offered in temples but not entirely consumed, to the poor in Jaipur.

In the city of Porto Alegre in Brazil a restaurant is preventing food wastage in the original and innovative way of cutting of a part of the plate. This encourages people to take smaller portions, which they will actually finish and raises awareness about food waste.

=> More initiatives on food waste:

=> The full article can be found in Issue 16 of Digital Development Debates

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