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environment & politics online
  1. Chile’s National Center for Artificial Intelligence (Cenia) has announced that it will coordinate a project, named LatamGPT to preserve Latin America’s multicultural identity. Cenia has the support of more than 30 institutions from Latin America and the Caribbean, and more than 60 experts from the region. The project will be launched in mid-2025, the Tico... Read more
  2. At least 773 people have been killed in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo’s (DRC) largest city of Goma and its vicinity within a week, reports Al Jazeera. As always, the civil population carries the burden of the war between army troops and the Rwanda-backed M23 rebels who captured Goma last week. According to Al... Read more
  3. The motto of the World Economic Forum 2025 ‘Collaboration for the intelligent age’ makes it clear: the fight against money laundering and financial crime through transparency and secure company identification. Davos. – In the shadows of the global economy, criminal activities continue to thrive. The scale, sophistication, and impact of corporate fraud have reached unprecedented... Read more
  4. The Military Government of Mali accuses the Algerian leadership of “persistent interference” in its internal affairs. According to the Algerian Foreign Minister Ahmed Attaf had stated that Mali’s military strategy was failing in the fight against terrorism and that a political solution would be necessary. “Mali neither seeks nor accepts lessons from Algeria, which,... Read more
  5. Map: Everest700, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Berlin. – The citizens of the Central African nation Chad are voting on Sunday in parliamentary, regional and municipal elections for the first time in more than a decade. The military government had the elections delayed serveral times, due to «financial problems» and the Covid-19 pandemic. Opposition voices... Read more
  6. Drone strikes by the Military Regime have “killed eight Tuareg rebel leaders in the town of Tinzaouatine” in the north of Mali, africanews reports reffering to a rebel spokesman. It has been “the first time since the start of the rebellion in 2012, that so many Taureg leaders have been killed in a single attack,”... Read more
  7. UNO braucht 2025 47 Milliarden US-Dollar für humanitäre Hilfe Genf ( – Im kommenden Jahr sind rund 305 Millionen Menschen auf humanitäre Hilfe angewiesen, warnen die Vereinten Nationen. In einem globalen Appell für 2025 ruft die UNO die internationalen Geldgeber dazu auf, 47 Milliarden US-Dollar zur Verfügung zu stellen. Das Geld werde benötigt, um Lebensmittel,... Read more
  8. Image credit: NASA/NOAA “Since 1972, the U.S Geological Survey Landsat Earth Observation satellites have been providing scientists and policy makers with up to date data on a range of features of Earth’s surface, and the picture being painted is a grim one. Earth’s surface is changing rapidly: polar ice caps are shrinking, highly biodiverse areas... Read more
  9. Image: European Union, Copernicus Sentinel-2 imagery The Arctic is warming up at a rate higher than the global average temperature. Both 2022 and 2023 were among the warmest years on record for the region. During the night of 22 September 2024, the air temperature in the town of Narsarsuaq in southern Greenland reached a record... Read more
  10. Gates says in a New York Times video on X that it’s “complete nonsense” to think that tree planting could solve climate change. And he asks: “Are we the science people or are we the idiots?” {Post on X by James Melville (@JamesMelville)}. Decide by yourself.
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