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“A new social contract for MENA countries: Experiences from Development and Social Policies”
From Monday, 5. December 2016
To Tuesday, 6. December 2016
Hits : 12260

The German Development Institute/Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)is pleased to announce that it is going to hold an

The conference is part of the activities of DIE’s new research and policy advice project on Stability and development in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), which is meant to identify the core ingredients that a new social contract in MENA countries would have.

A call for papers to be presented at the conference will be launched in December 2015, and the dead-line for submissions will be 1 May 2016.

Please send paper abstracts to Ms. Ina Klemke () clearly indicating your name, institutional affiliation and contact details. Individual paper abstracts should be between 500 and 800 words.

Indicative themes for the conference are:

  • Linking social and economic policies
  • Cash transfer programmes
  • Governance and institutional development issues
  • Poverty measurement
  • Wellbeing, social welfare and social justice
  • Poverty-reduction policies
  • Human rights and rights-based approaches to social policy
  • Social cohesion and social solidarity
  • State-based approaches to social policy
  • Market-based approaches to social policy
  • Civil society and social movements
  • Gender issues and gender policy
  • Child and family policy
  • Youth policy
  • Ageing and demographic change
  • Social care
  • Health policy
  • Education policy
  • The impact of the Syrian refugee crisis
  • Political economy / goverannce of social policies
  • Subsidies and direct social transfers
  • Social effects of economic policies
  • Economic and political effects of social policies
  • Social policies and political stability


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