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Agenda 21 NOW! 2015 Road to 2050: What the world should be like, what the world could be like ...
Thursday, 19. March 2015
Hits : 1736

Take part in this year's global Internet Conference "Agenda 21 NOW!"! It's fun, it's easy, and you're going to learn a tremendous lot!

During our conference a large number of students from many countries on five continents come together and discuss about sustainable development in the early 21st century.

A conference? Yes, Agenda 21 NOW! is a true conference taking place on the Internet, with conference rooms, moderators, international experts, workshops and really many registered participants who will be waiting to get into serious discussions with you. During 24 hours on Thursday, 19 March 2015, from 00:00 to 24:00 h UTC.

The conference this year will be a conference about sustainability seen from the result. What could a sustainable world in 2050 look like, when today's 15-year-olds are 50? And how can we achieve that? As we all know, things don't always develop in the good way. How can we avoid a wrong direction? Let us discuss different scenarios for 2050. What could be your contribution to a sustainable 2050?

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