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Kurs: Public Health and Disasters
From Monday, 4. May 2015
To Friday, 15. May 2015
Hits : 1885
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The content of the course reflects current knowledge and experiences of the management of complex disasters, complex emergencies and post-conflict situations in the health sector.

  • Disaster situations
  • Disaster preparedness
  • Development programmes
  • Cross-cultural awareness
  • Gender based and sexual violence
  • Working relations in the field, donor coordination
  • Relief to development continuum
  • Applied epidemiology in needs assessment
  • Relief planning for natural disasters and complex emergencies

The course aims to sensitise participants to the health and health systems impacts  of disasters, create awareness about the relief and development context in which international organisations work and to illustrate the aspects and importance of preparedness of health care systems for disasters.

Eligible are public health professionals, social scientists, paramedical staff, project planners and co-ordinators, medical doctors, tropEd students and others. The course is held in English. Fluency in English (Reading, Speaking, Writing) is required.

Further information:


Location Universität Heidelberg, Institut für Public Health

Der Kurs findet im Rahmen der "Akademie für Globale Gesundheit und Entwicklung" (AGGE) statt.
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