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The decentralisation process in Tunisia: what major challenges for development, democracy and equal opportunities?
Thursday, 3. December 2015, 12:30
Hits : 1429

The 2011 Tunisian revolution is an ultimate revolution of human rights carried out through social demands regarding dignity and freedom of expression.

Despite multiple obstacles, the institutional process put in place since 2011 resulted in the writing and adoption of a new constitution, one of the most progressive of the region. Today, the Tunisians are facing new and major tasks. The newly elected parliament is bound to adopt a considerable amount of laws in the framework of the implementation of the constitution; among others, the law on decentralisation, e.g. the devolution of power and the governing at the territorial level as well as the electoral law relating to the election of municipal, regional and district councils.

In a context of major economic and security crises, the democratic transition poses significant challenges: what criteria need to be taken into account in order to organise a decentralisation that fosters socio-economic development, especially in the marginalized regions, while reinforcing participatory democracy and equal opportunities? What role can the EU play in supporting the implementation of local powers that will ensure the balance between the regions and the overall development in Tunisia, which will without a doubt have a positive impact on the relations between Tunisia and Europe? How does the EU plan to support women’s involvement in the decentralisation process? What role does the EU intend to play regarding national bodies and the civil society? And how does the EU aim to integrate gender issues in its global approach?

Date              Thursday, December 3rd 2015
Time              12:30 – 14:30
Venue             Will be communicated after registration


  • Simone Susskind, Deputy at the Parliament of the Brussels-Capital Region and President of Actions in the Mediterranean
  • Anwar Mnasri, Judge at the Administrative Court, Tunisia
  • Alesio Cappellani, Deputy Head of division Maghreb, EEAS


  • Elena Valenciano, Member of the European Parliament EP*
  • Jordi Sebastia, Member of the European Parliament EP    


Patricia Jiménez, Director of the Global Dialogue Programme, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, EU Office

No admittance without confirmed registration

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The meeting is held under Chatham House Rule.

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