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Digitizing healthcare in underserved communities: A leap in Africa's development?
Thursday, 6. October 2016, 19:30 - 21:30
Hits : 2005

Remote communities in Africa often suffer from underdeveloped public infrastructures. This involves such diverse public goods as roads and education, but also healthcare and telecommunications. The massive digitization of remote areas is now reaching settlements previously untouched by the technological revolution and can potentially have a huge impact on more than just social aspects. It can go hand in hand with a reliable digital and internet infrastructure that pave the way for accessible public healthcare in underserved communities.

eHealth Africa has gained substantial experience in digitizing public healthcare and setting up digital infrastructure in the poorest communities in West Africa. We are pleased to host an interactive discussion and workshop evening that will give the attendees rare practical insights into development aid in a harsh environment and also provide the opportunity to slip into the role of a creator of digital aid solutions.

Questions to be addressed:

  • How difficult is digitization of remote communities in developing compared to industrialized countries?
  • Can digitizing healthcare in developing countries have positive effects on other sectors?
  • How can global and regional digital health projects be best implemented?


19h00 Doors open

19h30 Panel discussion on digital health innovations

  • Prof. Dr. Arno Elmer, Founder and Managing Director, Innovation Health Partners
  • Dr.-Ing. Matthieu-P. Schapranow, Program Manager E-Health & Life Sciences, Hasso Plattner Institute
  • Dr. med. Wilm Quentin, Senior Research Fellow, Department of Health Care Management, TU Berlin
  • Sebastian Zilch, Governmental Affairs and Strategic Networking, German Association of Healthcare IT Vendors (bvitg)
  • Adam Thompson, Executive Director, eHealth Africa
  • Raindolf Owusu, Founder and Managing Director, OasisWebSoft

20h00 Three parallel workshops hosted by eHealth Africa on conceptualizing

  1. an app for collecting healthcare data
  2. an interface for emergency data aggregation
  3. an emergency operations centre

20h40 Drinks and snacks

For any questions, please refer to Natalya Nepomnyashcha (Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!).

Location Impact Hub Berlin Friedrichstraße 246 Berlin, Deutschland, Germany
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