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Discussion: Strongmen, Generals and a Lady
Friday, 9. September 2016, 19:00
Hits : 1666

Myanmar is heading towards a fragile democracy – after opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi won a landslide victory. In Cambodia Hun Sen has held power for more than three decades. Bombs explode in Thailand, where generals rule.
Event information

There is hope and despair in these three South-East-Asian countries. What are the chances for Aung San Suu Kyi to stabilize democracy, will Cambodia ever get rid of autocracy, and will Thailand's generals return to the barracks? How can journalists work under these difficult circumstances?

Discussion in English with journalists from Myanmar, Cambodia and Thailand who are in Berlin for a media workshop of the taz Panterstiftung.

Moderated by Andreas Lorenz (taz-Panterstiftung)

Free admission

Location taz Café, Rudi-Dutschke-Str. 23, 10969 Berlin-Kreuzberg
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