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Turning Tables Cook-Off Event For Refugee Projects
Thursday, 25. February 2016, 18:00
Hits : 2818

We invite Munich dwellers to come and learn more about our project , support our crowdfunder and enjoy some of the following activities:

  • Cook-Off: in groups you will be provided with basic ingredients with which you will need to prepare a delicious recipe that will be presented to a panel who will decide the winner.
  • A sample of delicious dishes from the Middle-East and Africa will be prepared for attendees to enjoy
  • Discussion: Short discussion on the role of intercultural understanding in the context of integration and some activities to foster interaction.
  • Short presentation with info about Turning Tables and our crowdfunding. 

Join us for an evening full off cooking, sharing, discussions and of course delicious food!

Please RSVP for the event by the 23rd of February via the ticket link. Attendees are requested to pay 5 EURO on the day to contribute to event costs.

Turning Tables facilitates integration for refugees in Germany through a journey with training, mentoring and working experiences centered around food and intercultural exchange. We are currently running a crowdfunding campaign on Startnext as part of the #RefugeesWelcome campaign:

Location Schrenkstraße 8, 80339 München, Germany
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