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Bonn: Vortrag- "Climate Change and Digital Change: Impacts on Migration"
Tuesday, 5. May 2015, 18:15 - 20:00
Hits : 1486

Der Vortrag findet in englischer Sprache statt.
Climate change has long had an impact on global migration flows, as people have historically left places with difficult or deteriorating circumstances. The scale of such flows, both internal and cross-border, is expected to rise as a result of accelerated climate change, with unprecedented impacts on living conditions. Is this effect amplified by the speed of information, caused by the ongoing digital development? Does digital progress greatly influence options for forecasting global migration flows and for developing policy choices with regard to anticipated temporary or permanent destinations?
Laura Thompson, Ambassador, Deputy Director General of the International Migration Organization (IOM), Genf
Ort: Bonner Universitätsforum, Heussallee 18-24. Beginn: 18:15 Uhr

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