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International Resource Governance at the Crossroads? Navigating the tensions between supply security, resource based development and ecological sustainability
Monday, 19. October 2015, 13:30 - 19:00
Hits : 1790
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Natural resources have become a key issue in international politics. Competition for access to and control of natural resources has intensified, and so have conflicts over the distribution of benefits as well as over negative impacts of exploration and production. In the last decade, a complex body of norms has emerged. Austria plays a quite important role in international resource politics, it is actively involved in decision taking processes at the EU level. The aim of the conference is to give an overview of current debates in international resource governance and to bring together different stakeholders and positions in order to contribute to the debate on international resource fairness.

Speakers include: Antonio Pedro (UN Commission for Africa), Robert Holnsteiner (Federal Ministry for Science, Research and Economy), Julianna Karall (Austrian Economic Chambers), Emily Norton (Global Witness), Marie Müller-Koné (Bonn International Center for Conversion).

Location C3 – Centrum für Internationale Entwicklung, Wien
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