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Working for Women´s Rights and Female Football Strcutures in Asia
Thursday, 6. April 2017, 20:00 - 22:00
Hits : 2261

The fact that Papua New Guinea hosted FIFA’s U20 Women’s World Cup recently is a great chance for women’s football in the region. But not everyone is happy to see a Women’s World Cup in this country due to safety concerns. How is the situation for women and women’s football in South East Asia more generally? Will this event contribute to bringing more attention to women’s football? How can women’s football be used to fight for women’s and girls’ rights? Panel discussion with soccer players, coaches and activists from Papua New Guinea, India, Thailand, Bhutan, Cambodia, Nepal, Korea and Vietnam.
Moderation: Ines Pohl, Chief Editor Deutsche Welle
The women are participants of a one week conference to the topic, hosted by the NGO DISCOVER FOOTBALL.

Location K-Fetisch, Berlin
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