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How to prevent gender-based violence in German refugee camps
Wednesday, 11. May 2016, 09:00 - 12:30
Hits : 2277
Experiences from the Global North and South 

Finding shelter in Germany does not necessarily end the misery of every refugee. Especially women and LGBTI* face gender-based violence (GBV) such as physical assault, exploitation and sexual harassment at every stage of their journey. Their traumatic experiences do not end at the doorstep of the supposedly safe refugee camps, e.g. in Germany. Instead, accommodations often lack dorms and sanitary facilities that are lockable or separated by sex, which increases the probability of incidences of sexualized violence.

This panel discussion aims to address the following questions: What can be done to improve the conditions and reduce gender-based violence in refugee camps? Are there best-practices from long-existing facilities, and if so, are they applicable to German establishments? Can experiences from development cooperation support German camp-administrations in this issue?

Representatives from science, international and local practice and spokespersons from self-empowered refugee organizations will exchange their views and experiences on the topic and identify challenges and possibilities to combat GBV in German refugee housing.

*Lesbian, Gay, Bi-,Trans-and Intersexual


  • Napuli Paul Görlich, Refugee Movement, Berlin
  • Sandra Oelke, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit/GIZ GmbH, Eschborn
  • NN
  • NN
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