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Training of Trainers: People First Impact Method (P-FIM)
From Monday, 21. November 2016
To Friday, 25. November 2016
Hits : 7930
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Contact Lili Krause


Training of Trainers: People First Impact Method (P-FIM)



Partication is key to ensuring a high quality standard in development and humanitarian projects. The People First Impact Method (P-FIM) is one among a range of community engagement tools ensuring that communities have a voice and play their rightful role in responding to humanitarian and development challenges.The five-day training qualifies participants to facilitate P-FIM exercises. Participants of the training will understand why community engagement is so important, how to do it and how to apply it in their work.


The training is directed at staff responsible for monitoring and evaluation with a focus on partner qualification working for German development and humanitarian aid NGOs.



Please find the






attached and



register online



until 8 November 2016. If you are unable to attend please notify us as soon as possible, we have a waiting list.


Participation and coffee breaks during the five-day-training are covered by VENRO. Travel costs, overnight-stays, study material (approx. 20€ for each participant) and lunch have to be covered by the participants.


For further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Lili Krause, 030 26 39 299-25 at the VENRO office.


Location Forum Factory, Besselstrasse 13-14, 10969 Berlin
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